Welcome to our site! The Aviano Reunion Association consists of a group of people who at one time were professionally associated with American Forces within northern Italy--the core group at Aviano AB. We convene annually at various locations around the United States or in Italy to enjoy fellowship with one another and to visit new places of common interest.
We invite you to read about us and our upcoming reunions, and to view our photo albums from previous reunions. Then check out our membership roster. If your family was stationed at Aviano AB, or if you are a friend or relative of an Avianoite and your name is not included, we encourage you to join us! We also welcome ALL branches of the military to consider joining this fun, traveling loving group, since it now includes all branches of service and even non-mililtary friends of the membership.
History of the Aviano Reunion Association
The Aviano Reunion Association was founded in 1986 by Art Voisard in Biloxi, Mississippi. Art had attended a reunion of another military association and felt that those stationed at Aviano AB deserved a reunion, as well. So he contacted fellow Avianoites, and the association was born. All the original members were referrals from other Avianoites. Annual membership dues are $15 per family.
Art and Rusty Voisard hosted the first reunion in Biloxi in 1987. At that reunion, the first board was elected and bylaws were adopted. The original plan was for the association to meet every other year and to publish a newsletter four times in the reunion year and twice in the off years. Art chose to serve as membership secretary and treasurer, a position he held until 1992.
Beginning with the second reunion in 1989, Brice Headley served as president and implemented bylaw changes that increased the frequency of newsletters to four times yearly and reunions to every year. He was the guiding force of the association until shortly before his death in 2000. His daughter, Tama Tillman, served as President for many years, carrying on the traditions and hard work of her dad and other leaders in the organization. She was followed by Ben Catalina, who presided 12 years, and currently Jaime Vazquez. ARA reunions have been held in a variety of locations across the United States and in Italy. Please click on the reunions link to learn more about future and past reunions.
Links of interest to ARA members:
- Aviano AB, Italy
- Randolph AFB & Lackland AFB, TX (Joint Base San Antonio - JBSA)
- Airman Heritage Foundation